If you love curry and find yourself in Durban, get yourself a bunny! Bunny Chow was invented in Durban, South Africa. It’s a quarter, half or full loaf of bread hollowed out and filled with curry – vegetable, mutton, beef or chicken. The bunny-maker then balances the dug out piece of bread ( called the virgin) on top. It’s all wrapped up in paper, and eaten mostly as a take-away. Be careful how you eat your bunny, as it can get messy.
Where did the Bunny Chow Come From?
There are many stories about the origins of the bunny. Some say it was for Africans who were not allowed in the Indian restaurants during Apartheid. The bunny chow allowed them to take their curry lunch with them. Another version of bunny history claims that it was created for Indians working on the railways many years ago. Although the origin of the bunny chow is undecided, one thing is certain, the bunny chow originated in Durban.

Bunny Etiquette
My mouth waters just thinking of them. Bunnies can be bought at any hole in the wall restaurant in Durban. There are a few rules of Bunny etiquette: Never refer to it as a bunny chow, just as a bunny ( “Where do they make the best Bunnies?”). Always ask for yours referring to the filling and the size (“I’ll have one-quarter mutton, or half a vegetable.”). Eat the “virgin”, first, – (the bread on top), and then slowly work your way down tearing off pieces of the loaf to soak up the gravy. Be careful not to buy a Funny Bunny – one made with the middle of the loaf and not one of the ends. You should eat your bunny on the side of the road, a park bench or the beach. Buy your bunny before the lunch rush hour or late at night after partying. Here is a list of the best places to find bunny chow in Durban.
If you want more unusual things to see, do and taste in South Africa, go here.