Macau Tower Skywalk
In Macau, China you can experience a 20-second thrill of a lifetime. The Macau tower is one of the tallest free-standing towers in the world, at a height of 338 meters above the ground. The AJHackett company offers you a way to get THE best view of the city. You can Mast Climb – which is a safe climb of the tower, Sports Climb, Long Ironwalk – up the shaft and legs of the tower to a height of a mere 18 meters, do the world’s highest Bungy jump – a 5 second, 200km/h jump, or there is my favorites: The Macau Tower Skyjump, sends you off the 233-meter high ledge at 75 km/h for a 20-second drop.

I think this is perhaps a better option than Bungy. It feels safer, and there is no jerky bounce back, just a smooth fall down, while you are right-way-up, so you can get some great views. It also may suit those who have already tried Bungy. Another option if you can’t get to grips with actually jumping off the ledge, is simply going for a walk on the ledge! You can do the Skywalk X, which takes you around the very top of the tower, on the outside ledge, which is 1.8 meters wide and has no railing! It does however have an overhead safety system that is attached to you by a lead – just in case!