Best Moscow Metro Stations – Underground Palaces

metro station moscow

Moscow metro stations

You are probably familiar with the London tube and the New York subway, but the Moscow underground is nothing like those. And I’m a sucker for free tourist attractions. The Moscow underground is definitely the most ornate and grand underground in the world. You will probably visit a lot of elegant and opulent palaces in Russia, but seeing all that grandeur in a metro station is a bizarre experience. Of course, there are also modern stations, but who needs them.

Which Moscow Metro Stations to See?

Not all Moscow underground stations were created equally. Most of them are modern and bland. But there are gorgeously opulent metro stations and ones that were built under Lenin and bear Soviet motifs. You can see these beautiful Moscow metro stations in a couple of hours by planning a route that connects them. For starters take the Green Line round trip and/or the Dark blue line. Here are the most beautiful Moscow metro stations you should see.

Dinamo Station and Belorusskaya Station

The adjacent Dinamo and Belorusskaya metro stations are decorated with semi-precious stones and onyx marble.

dinamo moscow metro station
Dinamo Metro Station Source: A.Savin
Belorusskaya metro station moscow
Belorusskaya Metro Station Source: Sudakovsky

Mayakovskaya Metro Station Moscow

The Mayakovskaya station is one of the most popular with mosaic cartoons by Alexander Deineka.
mayakovskaya metro station
Mayakovskaya Metro Station Source:

Ploschad Revolutsii Metro Station Moscow

Ploschad Revolutsii Station is adorned with 76 bronze statues of the founders of socialism and workers.
moscow metro station
Ploshchad Revolyutsii Metro station Source: ProtoplasmaKid

Komsomolskaya Underground Station

But for me the one not to miss is Komsomolskaya, all that glitters and more, including chandeliers.
metro station moscow
Komsomolskaya Metro station Source: W. Bulach

Kiyevskaya-Koltsevaya Subway Station

Kiyevskaya-Koltsevaya was chosen in a competition held in Ukraine and signifies the unity between Russia and Ukraine, it is resplendent with gold, chandeliers, and a portrait of Lenin. So go on a round trip and see the free sights of Moscow.
KievskayaKoltsevaya HG4b
Moscow, Russia
05:30-01:00 all year round
$0.65 (approximately) cents a ride
0.7 million travelers a day.
177 stations
12 lines
I stayed in an excellent hotel for next-to-nothing in the center of Moscow close to Red Square. You can read my Trip Advisor reviews (petal66) or search for Moscow hotel bargains here.
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