The concept of a ghost tour is not unique. You can find ghost tours across the globe. But this particular one is special. The Rothenburg ghost tour is extremely enjoyable and well presented. The night-watchman (Hans Georg Baumgartner) takes you around the walled Medieval town of Rothenburg pointing out interesting buildings, throwing in snippets of history and comic relief.

Rothenburg Night Wathman
It is all in the presentation. The guide has a deep voice and is tall, you’ll be smiling before he opens his mouth. He wears a cloak and carries an old lantern and spear-like weapon. I won’t ruin the thrill by giving away any of his puns, but it is enjoyable. I found myself laughing a good deal of the time as the Night Watchman describes the toils of medieval life. Rothenburg in itself is exquisite, and very well-preserved if overpopulated with tourists. The trick as with any touristed site, is to go out of season. I will write about other Rothenburg attractions in future posts. The Rothenburg ghost tour goes past a pub called “Hell”, and if you are still in the mood for a night out at the end of the tour why not “go to Hell” and have a few drinks!
I stayed in the most exquisite hotel in Rothenburg.